Happy 2025!
The new year has certainly gotten off to a chilly start. It’s time to start thinking about warmer days ahead and that means thinking about getting back on the water and sailing! The Golden Isles Sailing Club has a full slate of activities planned for the year. The schedule is now viewable under the Events tab on the website. There are many social events, the usual club races, and a return to some cruises. The first event is a happy hour at Embers restaurant on Wednesday February 12th from 5:30 until 7 PM. Plan to come mingle with fellow sailors and enjoy the comradery. Many will stay for dinner afterward. It is a cash bar and you will need to make reservations for dinner if you plan to stay for that. Please register on the website so we’ll have an idea of how many to expect.
Greg Zarus is the cruise chairman this year. There is an overnight cruise tentatively planned for the night of March 22od. More details will follow. Contact Greg if you have ideas for other cruises.
I hope to see everyone at the many social events this year and on the water.
Bill Laws